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Weltbeste Aloe

Island Remedy Badegel

Verfügbarkeit Auf Lager Nicht verfügbar

Normaler Preis €24,00

✓ Gentle nourishing cleansing
✓ Purifies and tones skin
✓ Leaves skin soft-to-the-touch


Unser mit Kräuterextrakten angereichertes Badegel besteht aus reinem Aruba-Aloe-Vera-Gel aus Aruba, Extrakten aus Salbei- und Rosmarinblättern zur Reinigung und Straffung, Wacholderbeerenextrakt zur Reinigung und belebendem Balsam. Unser Island Remedy Badegel schäumt reichlich auf und hinterlässt eine weiche Haut.


Customer Reviews

Based on 44 reviews
Veronica C.
I am happy with your

I am happy with your service and the products. You may re-think using the Post Office to deliver. I was home awaiting your delivery. At 4 o"clock I decided to leave my apartment and I found your package on the window sill in the lobby. It was opened. Nothing was taken but they just dump rather than walk up the stairs!!!

Hetal D.
I like the service product

I like the service product reached on time and its really good in a way it acts on the skin. Only thing is my husband didn't like the smell/aroma of Desert Bloom products so its trouble for me to use two 12 oz bottle when he is not around. I hope you can put some better fragrance in dessert

bloom products. I wish I would have tried other brand Remedies of Island rather then Desert bloom. But anyways except aroma everything else about the lotion,cream and gel is very good.

Lee K.
Wonderful Product

This is a wonderful, soothing bath gel with good sudsing activity. The relaxing smell makes showering pleasant.

Margielee L.
I love it.

I love it

Walter T.
Great products !

Great products !

Island Remedy Badegel
355 ml - €24,00
  • 355 ml - €24,00

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