First Award of Royal Designation in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom

It is the first time since the introduction of the Royal Designation by King William I in 1815 that the designation has been awarded to an organization in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. On April 22, 2021, the Governor of Aruba, His Excellency Alfonso Boekhoudt, handed over the Certificate and the Royal Decree belonging to the predicate to the owners of Aruba Aloe Balm NV.
The Royal Designation is an award that can be awarded to associations, foundations, institutions or large companies. It means that the organization may add the Royal Designation to the name and include the Royal Crown in the logo. It symbolizes the King’s respect, appreciation and trust towards the recipient. The criteria for granting the Royal Designation are the same in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom as in the Netherlands. For example, the organization must be of national significance and exist for 100 years or more.
The official presentation of the Certificate and the Royal Decree took place in the Ballroom of the Hilton Aruba Caribbean. After a speech by the Governor, the Certificate and the Order were unveiled and received by the owners of Aruba Aloe. The Provisions regarding the Royal Designation, which include the obligations associated with the right to use the designation, were subsequently signed by two directors of Aruba Aloe, Remko van der Veldt and Jacobus Veel. Louis A. Posner (shareholder) and Remko van der Veldt have thanked the Governor of Aruba, as representative of the King, for granting the right to use the Royal Designation. In their speech it was also told about the origin of Aruba Aloe.
It is a great honor for Aruba that an Aruban company, the first in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, has been granted the right to use the Royal Designation. The Governor of Aruba congratulates Aruba Aloe Balm NV with this special award.
We are now officially Royal Aruba Aloe!